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Raksha TPA Delhi 24*7 Customer Care Number : rakshatpa.com

Company : Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd
Head Quarters : Delhi
Industry : Health Care
Service / Product : Health Care Service
Website : www.rakshatpa.com

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Raksha TPA 24 Hrs Customer Care

Phone : 0129-4289999
Delhi : 1800-180-1444

Related / Similar Service : Saico Healthcare Customer Care Number

Mumbai : 1800-220-456
Bangalore : 1800-425-8910
E-Mail : crcm AT rakshatpa.com
Cashless Fax Numbers : 011-66173411, 011-45823411, 022-39167411, 080-30723411

Address & Contact Number

Address and Contact Number of Raksha TPA Branch Offices :
Ahmedabad :
112, Anand Managal 1,
B/h Femina Town,
CG Road,
Ahmedabad 380009,
Phone No : 0265-6641122,
Fax No  : Cashless-022-39167411, 8928273411

Bangalore :
No 412, Jindal Center 4Th Floor,
100 ft Road, 4th Block,
Bangaluru- 560034,
Phone No : 080-42839999, 1800 425 8910,
Fax No :  Cashless-080-30723411

Bhopal :
130,Zone 2, 2nd Floor,
Near SBI Bank,
Above Abhishek Restaurant,
MP Nagar,Bhopal,MP,
Phone No : 9770499406,9179564854,
Fax No : Cashless-9098573411

Bhubaneshwar :
C/O RNIS College of Insurance,
Plot No. 742, Sahidnagar,
Phone No : 0129-4289999,
Fax No : Cashless-011-66173411

Chandigarh :
SCO 359-360, 1st Floor,
Sector 44-D,
Phone No : 0172-5008705, 5008716, 4634707,
Fax No  : Cashless-9569673411

Chennai :
18/4 PLN Complex,
Conran Smith Road,
Chennai-600 086,
Phone No : 044-28350536, 28350537,
Fax No :  Cashless-7811963411

Dehradun :
Shop No.G/18 H/17 Janpath Complex,
Chakrata Road
Dehra Dun.U.K.,
Phone No : 0172-5008705, 5008716, 4634707,
Fax No  : Cashless-9569673411

Faridabad :
C/o Escorts Corporate Center,
15/5 Mathura Road,
Haryana-121 003,
Phone No : 0129-4289999,18001801444,
Fax No  : Cashless-011-66173411, 45823411

Guwahati :
Prag Plaza, 2Nd Floor,
Near Hub Super Market,
Bhangagarh, G.S.Road,
Phone No : 00361-2466056,
Fax No  : Cashless-011-66173411, Others- 0361-2466057

Hyderabad :
Plot No. 26 Snr Towers ,
Ground Floor (Beside Bvrit City Centre/Next To Vishnu Nursing Home) Nagarjuna Hills Panjagutta,
Phone No : 040-66680191,040-66680192,
Fax No  : Cashless-080-30723411, Others-040 – 66680190

Indore :
Commerce House,
5Th Floor,7-Race Course Road,
Phone No : 0731-4003652,
Fax No :  Cashless-9098573411

Jaipur :
S-101 102 Second Floor,
Sumer Complex,
Gautam Marg,
Behind Bagaria Bhawan,
C-Scheme,Jaipur (Raj)-302001.,
Phone No : 0141-5103639,
Fax No :  Cashless-8824273411

Kolkatta :
8 Camac Street,
Shanti Niketan Building,
6th Floor, Space No. 7,
Kolkatta-700 017,
Phone No : 033-40061531,
Fax No : Cashless-011-66173411, Others- 033-22871825

Mumbai : Andheri
Unit no.2,A wing Time Square,
3rd Floor, Marol,
Andheri Kurla Road
Mumbai-400 059,
Phone No :  022-67876666,1800220456,
Fax No : Cashless-022-39167411

Our Services

** Provider of Network Hospitals & Nursing Homes.
** Cashless Hospitalisation Benefits at Networked Hospitals.
** Discounted Tariffs / Packages at Networked Hospitals.
** 24 Hrs. Toll Free Helpline.
** Electronic Identity Cards.

** Online Access to Individual & Corporate Profiles.
** Online Pre-Authorisation with Hospital.
** Retrospective Admission Review.
** Continued Stay and Concurrent Review.
** Pre-authorization Certificate.
** Medical Opinion / Evaluation.

Add a Comment
  1. I am a retired employee of HMT,Bangalore & residing in Bangalore. I had submitted a claim for pharmacy bills for Rs.3664 for the entire year 2020 for my son R.Rajaneesh,who is having learning disability & classified as mentally retarded. I have been submitting such claims from the past six years but the claims are not settled properly. The present claim of Rs.3664/- was submitted on 30.12.2020 & the claim no.is 55662021608059. Against this claim I have received only Rs.342/- in February 2021. When enquired in your Bangalore office they are not giving satisfactory reply & informed one bill is over written. This is a serious allegation & I am not a mean & fraudulant person just for my claim. I request you to kindly get this claim & verify .

  2. I want to download my Raksha TPA card. Please give me the link.


      I want to admit my FATHER in hospital which is not empanelled by Raksha is it mandatory to inform & what is the claim procedure.My member ID is UIC545182457BOI

  3. Gaurishankar Dubey

    Policy number is 93000034160400000011, Company Name is Interglobe Aviation ltd and member Id is N90IGA2267INPAR. I have send mail on 13-03-2019, but confirmation is pending till.

  4. My son Karikeya Pandey’s treatment has done at Deys Hospital from 20/2/2019 to 28/2/2019. The total expense is Rs.61155/- and passed from TPA Rs.52155/- rest of amount is Rs.9000/- hospital said paid by patient attended. Then I call Raksha TPA help line number 01294289999 then call centre executive told that dedication amount in Doctor Fees. Then Hospital staff said Doctor fees charge passed from old tariff and New tariff already send to Raksha TPA by hospital in past. I request the hospital staff to resend the Doctor Fees Tariff in mail of callcenterfaridabad AT rakshaTPA.COM. Kindly urgently resolve my issue. My Policy Number is 42010034182800000175. Member ID is N9015964402.

  5. My PNB health policy number is 21120834180400000011. How can I get my card?

  6. I am the associate of Columbia Asia Hospital Patiala, We send the documents for Final approval in the Morning around 11:30 am but till the time I haven’t received any approval. Member ID is O55618034500, Patient name is Bhagwant singh. Kindly provide the approval ASAP as patient is getting harassed.

  7. I have gone through renewal of PNB Oriental Mediclaim Policy in May 2018. My policy number is 221301/48/2019/319. At the time of renewal, I had also submitted photographs of mine as well as of my wife. I have not received respective cards from TPA so far. How much time it takes to get the cards?

  8. Policy Number 231200/48/2017/6581 is due for renewal on 18/29/2018, what will be the premium?

  9. I am an employee of Oriental Bank of Commerce. I have sent all original bill/documents through regional office to your boring road Patna office on Dated 10/10/2017 having post treatment claim Rs. 22593.76 of my mother Smt. Malti Devi and staff of your Patna office also confirmed to got the claim documents but till date I have not got any intimation or queries regarding the claim. They kept all the documents under the desk. Service of the raksha TPA is very poor. Registration of the claim is still pending. Customer service is very bad as they not respond properly of email and mobile. Member ID is UIC545348082OBCA. Please look into the matter. Why claim has not yet registered on raksha TPA site?

    1. I am a student of IMS Ghaziabad. I have sent all original bills/documents through regional office to Rakha TPA Faridabad branch office on July 2018 having post treatment claim Rs. 6089 for self. Staff of your Faridabad after so many observation telling that account number and IFSC code is not matching. How it is possible? Rakha TPA may verify from Bank of Badalpur branch GB Nagar. After passing of 3 month and Rakha TPA making a new excuse at all next time. Service of the raksha TPA is very poor. payment of claim is still pending. Customer service is very bad as they not responding properly of email and mobile. Member ID is N90169356915INMS. Please look into the matter. Why claim has not send in account?

  10. I am a retired manager from PNB. My insurance premium debited in 30.11.2017. Till date, I have not received my policy number. Please provide it to my residential address.

  11. My member ID is T1064713471SAILBKRO. I have submitted my OPD claim amounting to Rs.13,330/- on 23-05-2016 treated at CMC Vellore. Till date even after submitting the copy of bank passbook no intimation received and your staffs at bokaro office are very non-cooperative and problematic.

  12. I had Gall Bladder treatment done for my father. The total expense is Rs. 52,300. Please let me know the process for reimbursement and what amount would be reimbursed of the total expense cost. My MemberID: UIC545SYS1328SCCL

  13. My ID no. is UIC545107029PNBR. Please send my policy number.


  15. Please clarify whether Ramakrishna nursing home Vivekananda nagar WORAIYUR Trichy is in your network. I wish to undergo cataract operation at the said hospital on 19th Jan 2017.

  16. Dinesh Chandra Srivastava

    I have a PNB-Oriental Royal Mediclaim Policy since many years and my Policy No. is 253200/48/2017/767 and Member ID is 055617380861. I had sent mail at your Email ID: crcm[AT]rakshtpa.com and also made contact at your help line No.01294289999/18001801444 number of times to seek some clarification but neither my mail has been replied nor your help line attended the call. However, I request you to kindly advise for followings-

    1. Since,your Email ID: crcm[AT]rakshtpa.com and helpline numbers 0129/18001801444 are not operating kindly inform other Email ID and contact numbers to seek help as and when needed.
    2.I understand that one has to inform you before going for treatment either at cashless hospitals or at non cashless hospitals, in that case give the correct Email ID and telephone/mobile numbers who should reply us quickly for such information.
    3.Kindly give the Name of your authorized official, his office address and contact number at Dehradun (UK).
    4.At which of your office, one has to submit the medical reimbursement claim for treatment at non cashless hospital.
    5.Latest list of cashless hospitals at Delhi/NCR, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh may also be provided.

  17. Manjulika Chatterjee

    We have a Sail mediclaim policy. My member id isT1062102375. My claim for Opd has yet been credited though the claim has been passed for payment more than a month ago.
    Details :
    MIN NO:-02102376
    CLAIM NO : 10681617333347
    AMT : RS 4028
    I REGRET TO INFORM THAT MY MAILS to sailsuppot[AT]rakshatpa.com are not been answered. Please help.

  18. Policy no : 52613304
    Claims – 106321617109159 and 10632161374589
    We are retired employees of SAIL and covered under Mediclaim with RakshaTPA. Myself and my spouse had undergone angioplasty at Narayana Hrudayalaya Super specialty Centre at Bangalore on 18/04/2016. On discharge we were prescribed medications to be taken indefinitely/until further orders. As per the terms of our policy we are entitled to reimbursement of OPD expenses. I had put up claims for the medicines purchased and submitted along with original documents to the TPA on 04/06/2016. Till date it has not been settled. On contacting the offices of TPA numbers there is no response. It’s over 6 months but claims are still pending. Intervention is required from senior authority.

  19. I would like to know whether hystoscopy covered in day care treatment.

  20. I am the pension holder of PNB. I hold PNB retirees policy. Please send terms & conditions.

  21. From: Dipankar Dey
    Sent: 12 November 2016 21:29
    To: ‘crcm[AT]rakshatpa.com’
    Cc: Dipankar Dey
    Subject: RE: Non-settlement of claim-M58352436MMI
    Importance: High

    Dear Sir,
    Reply are given below (highlighted by yellow) of your query mentioned in trailing mail.
    ** Hospital registration certificate/ inpatient facility certificate.
    Hope you are aware Government hospital could not provide the registration Certificate/ inpatient facility certificate

    ** Treating doctor’s/Hospital certificate regarding time of admission & time of discharge.
    Hard copies of all documents has been already submitted. Please refer attached sheet regarding letter from hospital taken on 24/10/2016 as per your requirement.

    ** Clarification about discrepancy in Date of Admission and Date of Discharge in Discharge Summary and Final Bill From the Hospital.
    Hard copies of all documents has been already submitted. Please refer attached sheet regarding letter from hospital taken on 24/10/2016 as per your requirement.
    Please note that in this letter it is clearly mentioned the date of admission and date of discharge.
    Please refer attached files regarding Discharge summery and final bill from the hospital, Pharmacy bill and Ventilation ambulance bill, hard copies for the same has been already submitted.

    ** Detailed discharge summary mentioning Final diagnosis, Presenting complaints ,Vitals at the time of admission, course in hospital, treatment given and advice on discharge.
    Please refer attached file regarding Discharge summery and mentioning Final diagnosis, Presenting complaints ,Vitals at the time of admission, course in hospital, treatment given and advice on refer other hospital, hard copies for the same has been already submitted.

    Kindly note that the said claim is genuine and not any false data submitted to you. So, you are requested to process the claim to reimbursement the claim amount.

    Warm regards,
    Dipankar Dey

  22. My policy number is 52613304. Sill I am not received my money.


    MEMBER ID IS M5840120031335.

  25. I am a policy holder of Raksha tpa. My son’s age is entered wrongly. How can I correct it to actual age of my son?

  26. I am an ex Sail employee. My Min is 2302659. I have not received policy as well as I’d card. No reply from customer care.

  27. What is the procedure for submitting post hospitalization expenses?

  28. Rajesh Kumar Kedawat

    My mediclaim no is 55631617225665.
    Please conform about my claim.
    Policy no. is 243307/48/2016/1535

  29. My member id is uic545179578obca and claim id/no is 545191617005003. It was submitted in march and query reply in June 16. But no process is done and no satisfactory reply is given by official. I am very worried. Please look into matter and settled it.

  30. I have submitted my Claim papers at Raksha TPA’s Kolkata Office on 20-8-2016.
    There is no update regarding the same and no one answers the telephone nos provided.
    Even the claim details are not available on the website for me to check the status.

    Subhas Chandra Roy
    MIN No. 3105558

  31. Toll free no : 1800-180-1444
    I call yesterday & today 100 times but no one pick the call. I think Raksha tpa give a very poor facility.

  32. I am Ex-SAIL employee. I have not yet received MIN Cards for me and my wife
    MIN Nos : 10700331 & 10700332
    Why such a long delay?

  33. I am a member of SAIL mediclaim scheme.
    Min no is 9701014.
    I have not received guidebook and photo identity card.

  34. I am retired employee of SAIL, MIN no. 3103997. I have submitted OPD Bills in June 2016 and claim no is generated.
    No is 10681617077215. Till date the amount has not been reimbursed.
    Please revert with status, thank you.

  35. Ram Chandra Srivastava

    My policy no is 224302/48/2017/585 but I don’t know my id number.


  37. I am a corporate Clint. Ac XXXXXXXX02312541 Debited with Rs.48136.48,02-09-2016 14:08:14.
    Avail Balance : Rs.0.00 CR.
    Helpline 18001802222.
    Your company wrongly withdrawn above amount from my account on 2nd.September 16. I sent mail to Account deptt. & crcm raksha but still neither my amount is refund nor any reply.
    Note bank is also charging into.

  38. My claim is pending since 10/6/2016. What is the date of submission at your Bhilai office? They verified all the original documents and received it. But it is still pending. My min no is 01414577 and policy no is 52613304. Can I hope it will be cleared soon?

  39. How can I get my policy no or I’d no. My policy is created 6 months ago but I have not received any policy or I’d no. What is status? How to know?

  40. Whether Raksha tpa is private or Govt?

  41. I want our policy renewal details as below.
    Menber ID- N90EMP00013PFE
    POLICY NO- 3318003415040000001
    I am trying to your Faridabad office phone and customer care no also but not responding.
    Kindly contact us immediately.

  42. Is delivery included in Raksha tpa policy?

  43. Any one who has got claim from Raksha Tpa? Please notify.
    Always customer care executives are busy.

  44. I am a retired employee scale-II of The New India Assurance Co.Ltd. My S.R. Number is 15609. The doctor has suggested laser assisted cataract surgery with multifocal lenses to my wife. My sum insured under group mediclaim policy is Rs.20,00,000/- The Eye Hospital is on your panel. As per hospital staff expected amount is 1,10,000/-. The hospital staff has asked me to submit copy of policy but I have only I.d. card. ID:N9032220015609.

    Can you direct the Hospital to provide cash less facility without copy of policy?

    Viay Kumar,

  45. I am trying to contact your Faridabad office but sorry to say after trying an hour I left my hopes. Put my patient to hospital without cashless facilities.

  46. In how many days claim can be settled by your company?

  47. I have already submitted my Query Related Document in My Regional Office HR DEPT. Dehradun Radha Palace,Rajpur Road D.DN By Dated 18.July.2016. They told my query document were submitted to RAKHA DEPT Gurgeon by 4.Aug.2016.
    So Kindly See matter Seriously.

    With Regards
    Policy No:500100/48/15/41/00000435
    Policy Period:01/10/2015 to 30/09/2016
    Insured Name:Mr Om Panwar
    Company Name:United India Insurance Co. Ltd.
    Employee Number:324562
    Corporate Name:IBA Account – Oriental Bank Of Commerce
    Claim in respect of : Sulekha Panwar
    Claim Ref No:545221617126785
    Dev Officer/Agent Code:NA
    Claim Amount:Rs.18837

  48. Achintya Kr. Bhattacharya

    I am living in Kolkata region and haven’t received the ID cards yet. Call to Kolkata office is of no use. I never had a luck to talk to a person. It is always busy. My claim hasn’t been settled over a month. I recently visited the office and was surprised to see the condition. There is no reception desk the files and papers are all over the place. I was informed my claim papers were sent to Bhadreswar accidentally!!!. No surprise. They also have no idea about what is the next step. This TPA is really worse and SAIL should change it by next year. We are not getting any service from this TPA.

  49. I have logged a claim on 18.05 2016. The claim stands passed but the proceeds have not been credited to my account so far. My id no is UIC 54510799 JKA.

  50. Debkumar Sinha,MIN- 3110830/3110831-for spousee

    Sorry to inform you that your Kolkata office at camac Street never respond the phone call. Why such desk no has been provided to the guide book. Is it deliberate attempt from your side to ignore any call. If this is continue ,the matter may be brought to the Sail authority to resolve the problem. I find from different persons that unusually long time being taken to settle the opd claimsetc. I had submitted the opd claims on 4/08/2016 &that too has not yet been updated. What our previous Tpas used to do within a day or two. Please look into the matter,so that opd claim settlements are within stipulated time of one month.



  52. One of the worst services I have ever had. They cannot even clear the claim even in a full day even after replying in the phone that everything is done and hospital will get the approval in 20-30 minutes. And then customer care center doesn’t answer the phone. I would not recommend to have Raksha TPA to anybody and will change my policy at the next available option.

  53. I did not get my policy no and member id. What is the solution?

  54. Policy no : 361701501610001281
    Customer id : 9520446703
    We haven’t got id card yet.
    Kindly send status.

  55. Very waste insurance company. They are not responding properly. So many times we are calling but they are not responding properly. We requested pre auth approval for surgery patient. Three days left then also they are not sending approval copy.

  56. The camac street numbers are not responding since few months. What is the alternative? We have not received the cards yet.

  57. I am working at om ax auto ltd Bangalore. My policy number is 405000/46/15/85000000424 and the member id is M586557OABNG. Kindly confirm me whether I can claim maternity claim from the same poly number. If its not Please tell me whether I can upgrade the policy for adding the maternity.

  58. Shyam Nandan Jha

    What is the address of Raksha TPA branch office at Bokaro steel city Jharkhand?

  59. CLAIM NUMBER : 88851516300123
    Member I’d number : M5840RTRD31738.
    I am a retired officer of National Insurance Company ltd. It’s been 3 months that I underwent bypass surgery from HERO DMC HEART INSTITUTE. LUDHIANA. I Preferred claim on cashless basis. I was discharged from the hospital after making balance payment from my pocket. Since then I am running puller to post but not received my refund till date. I AM A RETIRED OFFICER OF INSURANCE COMPANY AND SUFFERING IN THE HANDS OF TPA WHICH WAS BASICALLY GRANTED LICENSE TO FACILITATE GENERAL PUBLIC. WHAT CAN BE THE PLIGHT OF GENERAL PUBLIC? PLEASE SETTLE MY CLAIM.


    I submitted all claim document but till date not clear.
    Member ID -BA1305013WHILP
    Policy number -GHS/Q0064566/11

  61. I am a retired officer from RBI, Mumbai. I have been trying to contact your customer service for the last one hour.
    Although I am given connection to the customer care ‘executive’, there was no response from them at all, numbers being 02267876666, 1800220456.
    Could you please furnish me information on cater at operation on both the eyes?
    What is the total cash free entitlement?
    What are the Pre and post expenses covered? eg. Tests conducted, consultation, medicine.

  62. Is Laproscopic surgery for Hernia shall be covered? We are supposed to undergo this surgery in GEM Hospital , Coimbatore – which is not listed with Raksha tpa. How can I Claim? What shall be the better suggestion? I need Tamilnadu Customer care number..

  63. Mrs. Nikita Nayan Bane.

    I am employee of the M/s Roma biulder company. I have already Raksha tpa family card. I want to know laser surgery covered in which policy?

  64. harish kumar gupta

    I want to know that in case of emergency if I go to medical hospital (AIIMS) for heart attack and can I get my medical reimbursement for the whole amount? I am a member of this.

    1. From the Website :

      The policyholder will have full freedom to choose the hospitals from the empanelled network and utilize the services as per their choice For every hospitalisation, the policyholder will be well aware whether the treatment is covered under his policy conditions or not.If covered, they can seek cashless facility at any of empanelled hospitals.During the time of Emergency Hospitalisation, the policyholder or relative can flash the Photo ID-Card as a part of identification of the policyholder and gain admission into any of network hospitals.Treatment at hospital is given without payment at the time of admission as per the terms of the policy conditions. At the time of discharge, the insured will make payment which exceeds sum insured or the benifits not covered under policy conditions. A complete CASHLESS TREATMENT.Thus, the Individual does not run around for arranging cash for paying for the hospital expenses

  65. Raksha TPA is the very poor service and slow response. My daughter is admitted from last night. But approval is still pending from Raksha TPA. Why?

  66. My wife has to go for knee transplantation on 23rd of this month at MAX , SAKET. Do I have to take permission before admission , and if yes , what is the procedure? Please inform.

  67. I am self employee. Give the details of the policy with respective types of policy and which one is covered in policy.

    CLAIM ID NO- 54581516318738
    MEMBER ID – UIC54545064OBCR

  69. Kumaresh Chakraborty

    Customer care number of Kolkata ?

  70. We sent the claim in the month of August 2015 which is not received till date..
    Policy no : 4444890/00/000
    Id no : 2013542711312

    1. From the Website :

      Our Customer Care numbers at Faridabad are down. Please Contact our 24×7 Mumbai customer care no. 022-67876666, 1800220456. The inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.

  71. I am a retired employee ( assistant manager )of oriental insurance . My SR number is 003107.
    I have my cataract surgery on 19th Feb 2016 at Goyal eye institute .
    Doctor has recommended for torric eye lens for my surgery . The total cost is Rs. 50,000 approx.

    You will shortly receive the invoice from the institute .
    Gargi Paul

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