Corporation of Chennai Customer Complaint Phone Number :

Company : Corporation of Chennai
Head Quarters : Chennai
Industry : Government
Service / Product : Government complaint Service Number
Website :

Chennai Corporation Complaint Phone Number

24 Hrs Complaints Cell : 1913
Ripon Building : 25619555
Control Room : 25619501/502
Fax No : 25383962

Related/ Similar Service : Chennai Metro Water Complaint Number

Birth & Death details & Trade Licence

Joint Commissioner (Health) : 25383734
Health Officer : 25619330
EPBX : 25384510 Ext.336, 330

Hospitals, Maternity Centres : 25383736
EPBX : 25384510 – Ext. 336, 338

Property Tax : 25619258
Profession Tax : 25619305
Cleaning of roads & Streets : 5383734

Superintending Engineer (SWM) : 25367821
Executive Engineer (SWM) : 25384510 ,Ext. 302, 228


Joint Commissioner (Education) : 25383693
Education Officer : 25384232
EPBX : 25384510 Ext. 205, 386
Complaint cell : 25384530 / 25384670
Superintending Engineer (Electrical) / Divisional Engineer (Electrical): 25383694
EPBX : 25384510 Ext.352, 371

Road Maintenance

Chief Engineer : 25383692 (General)
Superintending Engineer : 25360556 (Bus Route Roads)
EPBX : 25384510 Ext.350, 281

Executive Engineer Z.o.I : 9445190021
** Zone II – 9445190022
** Zone III – 9445190023
** Zone IV – 9445190024
** Zone V – 9445190025
** Zone VI – 9445190026
** Zone VII – 9445190027
** Zone VIII – 9445190028
** Zone IX – 9445190029
** Zone X – 9445190030
** Zone XI – 9445190031
** Zone XII – 9445190032
** Zone XIII – 9445190033
** Zone XIV – 9445190034
** Zone XV – 9445190035

Building Permission

City Engineer : 25383928
Executive Engineer : 25384510 Ext. 280, 293 (Town Planning Section)
Plant purchase or removal Of wind fallen trees : 25384510 Ext. 389
Booking of Corpn. Stadium/ Marina Swimming Pool : 25383693
Stadium Officer : 25384510 Ext. 294,205

Head Quarters Number

Name Designation Office Phone
Dr. D. Karthikeyan I.A.S Special Officer,
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building,
044-25619300 /
specialofficer AT
Dr. D. Karthikeyan I.A.S Commissioner,
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building,
M.Govinda Rao, I.A.S Deputy Commissioner (Works),
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003.
R.Lalitha, I.A.S Deputy Commissioner(R& F),     Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003.
25369444 /25619306
Mageswari Ravikumar, I.A.S Deputy Commissioner (Education), Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003.
P. Madhusudhan Reddy, I.A.S Deputy Commissioner (Health),
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003.
25386386 /25619336
P.S.Leela Alex Assistant Commissioner (GA&P),
General Department,
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003.
acgap AT
N.M. Patturoja Deputy Collector (Admin) (i/c),
General Department,
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003.
T.Jeya Sheela District Revenue officer (Land & Estates),
Land and Estate Department,
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003
Muthukumarasamy District Revenue Officer (Election),
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building,
deoelection  AT
A.Umapathy Deputy Director / Public Relation Officer, Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003.
pro AT
V. Kavi Kumar Vigilance Officer,
Vigilance Cell,
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003.
vo AT
P.Rajasekar Secretary to Council,
Council Department,
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003.
councilsec AT
M.Pugalendi Principal Chief Engineer,
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003.
principalce AT
N.Mahesan Chief Engineer
(Buildings, Mechanical Dept. & Solid Waste Management)
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building,
cebuilding AT
R.Srinivasan Chief Engineer (Bridges, Planning Co-ordination) i/c,
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003.
25619317                                cebridges AT
K. Chinnasamy Superintending Engineer,
(Buildings Department) & Works Department (i/c) (HQ),
Greater Chennai Corporation,
Ripon Building, Chennai-600003.
sebuilding AT


Categories: Government

View Comments (162)

  • I'm unable to submit a complaint on the Corporation of Chennai register complaints page. THERE IS NO 'SUBMIT' BUTTON

  • in front of my house road wants to come but illegally they build house there we filed case against them but also not comeing any result what to do for it is very drouble for many houses help for us and they have building near this illigally house

  • Sir. Sewage is getting blocked offen due to Thalapakkati restaurant water mixing. Request you to instruct hotel management to diveret their out flow water in greasee trap.

    Location: anna 2 street. Vijayanagar North extn.

  • In my opinion, it is actual, I will take part in discussion. I know, that together we can come to a right answer.

  • Hello sir, I'm from old washermenpet,parthasaradhy 4th street, Chennai -21. there are many dogs were barking and fighting each other.. Sometimes children will be bitten by dogs.... People were disturbed when they walk on street... So please take severe action to catch the dogs from away in our Area...

  • Andavar street near koovam stream, Anna Nedumpathai, Avvai Nagar, Choolaimedu, Chennai.

    So many stray dogs on road chasing everyone. Pls do the needful at the earliest.

  • I am staying in kodambakkam kamaraj colony 5th Street . Here dogs problems day by day increase in this area street. Many of the employees are bitten by these dogs. So, take action against issue.3-11-19 dog bitten one person so pls take proper action

  • My address Manikandan 6th Street oldwashermenpet chennai , here we have problems with dogs scaring kids and adult, they are making issues by barking seeing anyone in home my name is Lakshmi, because of this my kids causing disease, pls take necessary action

  • Street dog died needs to be removed from road.Address - Tandavaraya Gramani Street, opp to tondiarpet Police station.Kindly to the needful at the earliest.

  • Sir,
    I’m living at Sai baba koil st, Injanmbakkam. There are lot of stray dogs at that street, we were not able to walk on the street. Can you please do the needful .

  • So many dogs in my street the dogs bite child and adults also scared Kindley send dog van. Near tb hospital bustop pandurangan kovil street, nammalwarpet Chennai 600012

  • வணக்கம். வார்டு 88 W20 மெயின் ரோடு, அண்ணா நகர் வெஸ்ட் எஸ்ட்டென்சன் முன்பாக உள்ள குப்பை தொட்டியை தயவுகூர்ந்து எடுக்கவும், கான்ஸ்டருக்ஷன் வேலை தொடங்க வேண்டும். முன்பு புகார் கொடுத்தோம் - இன்னும் முழுமையாக குப்பை தொட்டியை எடுக்கவில்லை.உதவி செய்யுங்கள்.

  • வணக்கம். வார்டு 88 நார்த் மெயின் ரோடு w20 முன்பாக உள்ள குப்பை தொட்டியை தயவுகூர்ந்து எடுக்கவும், கான்ஸ்டருக்ஷன் வேலை தொடங்க வேண்டும். முன்பு புகார் கொடுத்தோம் - இன்னும் முழுமையாக குப்பை தொட்டியை எடுக்கவில்லை.உதவி செய்யுங்கள்.

    • Sir, REf: complaint No: 526JUA
      Kindly arrange to remove the garbage box in front of our plot - area W20 W-block, A.N.W Extn / Locality - park Road, North Main Road ' Our earlier compliant No: 526JUA. Once again request you kindly arrange to remove garbage box urgently.

  • Hi sir,
    Today (Oct 8)- in our street, street dog have bitten a man and also yesterday bitten a small girl.. Please help us and catch the dog by dog catcher team.

    Kamaraj nagar 2nd cross street,
    T. V. K nagar, chennai- 600 082

  • Hi sir,
    I’m staying in paduvanchery (Soundarajan street). There are around 15 to 20 dogs roaming near to my home. People are very much afraid here to stand outside because of these dogs..please made arrangements to catch these road dogs.

    Thanks in advance

  • I am staying in srirangam new town at wimconagar. We have a street dogs about 20 to 30 and every one facing problem.we are requesting to resolve this issue ASAP.

  • I am staying in Kamaraj Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur. There are several street dogs roaming here. They are making troubles to the people. Also in night time, they are crying and giving haunting sounds. Please take necessary action. Thank you in advance.

  • I am staying in Perungudi, Kandanchavadi. Here dogs problems day by day increase in Sandhiyappan Salai and Thiruvalluvar street. Many of the employees are bitten by these dogs. So, take action against issue.

  • Chennai Museum is the second largest Museum in India. More number visitors are coming here. But unfortunately Dogs are also more in numbers here. It may bite visitors. We have complained to the Office, But still they have not cleared the dogs. If we inquired further, they told that clerk from Tamil Department, which is back side of the Museum, he is coming and giving raw meat for the dogs. The dogs ate this and behave arrogantly. Kindly take all the dogs from that place for public safety.

  • I am staying in MRK Nagar Main Road, Kolapakkam. There are many street dogs biting children and adults. We are not able to walk the MRK road after 6. Please take necessary action. Landmark is Deepan Stores, MRK Nagar Main Road, Kolapakkam.

  • Pudupet Ward No. 61, Zone 5, Ar Police Quarters Campus.

    இங்கு நாய்கள் தொல்லை அதிகமாக இருக்கிறது. முப்பதுக்கும் அதிகமான நாய்கள் இங்கு இருக்கின்றன. இப்பொழுது அந்த நாய்களுக்கு வெறி பிடித்தால் போல் தெரிகிறது. குழந்தைகள் பெரியவர்கள் என அனைவரையும் அது தொந்தரவு செய்கிறது, தயவுசெய்து நடவடிக்கை எடுக்குமாறு கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறேன்.

  • பழைய பல்லாவரம் பெருமாள் நகர் 4வது பிராதன சாலை பகுதில் வசிக்கிறோம். இங்கு நாய்கள் தொல்லை அதிகமாக இருக்கிறது. முப்பதுக்கும் அதிகமான நாய்கள் இங்கு இருக்கின்றன. இப்பொழுது அந்த நாய்களுக்கு வெறி பிடித்தால் போல் தெரிகிறது. குழந்தைகள் பெரியவர்கள் என அனைவரையும் அது தொந்தரவு செய்கிறது, தயவுசெய்து நடவடிக்கை எடுக்குமாறு கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறேன் எங்கள் தெருவின் சார்பாக.

  • I am from Railnagar, Koyambedu, lot of dogs giving disturbance to kids and going two toilet in steps. Please catch immediately.

  • I am a resident of JJ Nagar, Old Pumping Station Road, Korukkupet, Chennai-600021. There are so many dogs in my area. Please catch them.

  • I am staying in Maraimalai Nagar. There are several street dogs roaming here. They are making troubles to the people. Please take action.


  • We live in Srinivasamurthi Avenue, Adyar, Lane next to Adyar Municipal Corporation. There are three stray dogs in the street causing immense nuisance. Kindly take them away.

  • மாதவரம் அம்பேத்கர் நகர் மெயின் ரோட்டில் வசிக்கிறேன். வாகனங்கள் அதிவேகமாக வருகிறது. விபத்துகள் ஏற்ப்பட அதிக வாய்ப்புகள் உள்ளது. ஆக இங்கு வேக தடை அமைக்குமாறு புகார் கொடுத்தும் செவி கொடுக்காத அதிகாரிகள். வேக தடை அமைத்து கொடுத்தால் நல்லாயிருக்கும்.

  • நாங்கள் ஓல்ட் வாஷேர்மஎன்பேட் செமென்டரி ரோடு, ஹௌசிங் போர்டு, வெஸ்ட் செமென்டரி ரோட்டில் வசிக்கிறோம். இங்கு நாய்கள் தொல்லை அதிகமாக இருக்கிறது. முப்பதுக்கும் அதிகமான நாய்கள் இங்கு இருக்கின்றன. இப்பொழுது அந்த நாய்களுக்கு வெறி பிடித்தால் போல் தெரிகிறது. குழந்தைகள் பெரியவர்கள் என அனைவரையும் அது தொந்தரவு செய்கிறது, தயவுசெய்து நடவடிக்கை எடுக்குமாறு கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறேன் எங்கள் தெருவின் சார்பாக.

  • I am located in Dr. Radha Krishna Puram, Greenways Road, Chennai-600028 near Thasildar Office, in my street nearly 10 number of Street Dogs is there. It is more troubling to us and our children. I requesting to you please do the needful.

  • I am from Housing Board, Kotturpuram, Chennai. One dog is severely injured her. This dog is raising noise. Please take that dog and save.

  • I am from Kottur. There are close to 15 stray dogs in our street. Last week all those dogs pounded on a calf and tore it into pieces and today again they bit a small child. Please take action against it at the earliest.

  • I am from West Mogappair, 6th Block. We have so many troubles because of street dogs. My children afraid of that dogs. It is barking & biting all the children while they playing & while going to the shop so, please take some action. This is my humble request.

  • Many dogs are wandering in Sherafdeen street, Choolaimedu post office. One among the dog (It has some problem surrounding the right eye) chases people who walks on the road, to bite. It is seen between infront Post office and Subhiksha apartment.

  • I am residing in Kolathur Bhavani Nagar, Near Teachers Colony. There are 10 to 15 stray dogs which are posing a threat. They create such a nuisance. We are unable to sleep at night because of the ruckus they create. Please do the needful as way as possible.

  • Name: Nanda Kumar
    Address: Bharathi nagar Ponniammanmedu Nagar Chennai -600102
    Subject: Drainage Block for past 2 months

    Please note in our Colony 3 Drainage blocks there for past 2 months. In last 2 months, there are lot of mosquitoes and we are suffering with the fever and in that surroundings lot of children and families are there. So kindly do the needful as soon as possible.

  • நாங்கள் நாலாவது தெரு, சங்கர் நகர் பம்மலில் வசிக்கிறோம். 15 முதல் 20 வெறிபிடித்த தெரு நாய்கள் சுற்றி திரிகின்றன, அதை பார்த்ததும் சிறியவர் முதல் பெரியவர்களுக்கும் பயமாக உள்ளது. தயவு செய்து அந்த நாய்களை அப்புறப்படுத்தும் படி மிகதாழ்மையுடன் கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறேன்.

  • We are residents of new colony 2nd and 8th Street extension, Adambakkam, Chennai. We are facing threaten from stray dogs. Children and general public afraid of being bitten by Street dogs. Kindly do the needful.

  • நாங்கள் பாலவாக்கம் கந்தசாமி நகர் 7வது தெருவில் வசிக்கிறோம். அங்கு நாய்கள் தொல்லை அதிகமாக இருக்கிறது. முப்பதுக்கும் அதிகமான நாய்கள் இங்கு இருக்கின்றன. இப்பொழுது அந்த நாய்களுக்கு வெறி பிடித்தால் போல் தெரிகிறது. குழந்தைகள் பெரியவர்கள் என அனைவரையும் அது தொந்தரவு செய்கிறது, தயவுசெய்து நடவடிக்கை எடுக்குமாறு கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறேன் எங்கள் தெருவின் சார்பாக.

  • I am staying in Nainiammal Street, Krishnapuram Ambattur. We have 10 dogs in our street. We have nursery and primary school in our lane. Kindly take immediate action and we appreciate your early step in this regard.

  • I am in Bhakta Vasalam Road (Waran Road), Mylapore, Chennai-600 004. There is no dustbin in our street. Kindly arrange it.

  • In our Sivan Koil Street, Neelanagai, some people let out drainage water in day and night, such drainage water cause Heath hazards has very serious in and around. Therefore need immediate action by official.

  • நாங்கள் கொளத்தூர் ரெட்டை எரி அடுத்து உள்ள RTO Signal பக்கத்தில் தேவி நகர் என்னும் குடியிருப்பில் 5 ஆவது தெருவில் வசித்து வருகிறோம். இங்கே வீட்டில் இருப்போர் அனைவருக்கும் தொந்தரவு தரும் விதமாக நாய் ஒன்று உடல் முழுதும் புண்கள் ஏற்பட்டு இப்படியே சுற்றி வருகிறது. அதனால் இங்கே உள்ள சிறுவர் பெரியோர்களும் உடல் உபாதைகள் பெற வாய்ப்பு உண்டு. ஆகவே மாநகராட்சி இதை கருத்தில் கொண்டு விரைவில் ஆவன செய்ய வேண்டிக் கேட்டு கொள்கிறேன். நன்றி.

  • I am residing in Zamin Pallavaram, Darga Road, Renuka Nagar. In our colony around 10 stray dogs are roaming. It is posing danger to the passerby and old people and has bitten a boy. It is also leaving its feces everywhere creating a sanitation problem. It is requested that those dogs are removed from the colony to avoid any diseases.

  • I am residing at Ramapuram, Mahalakshmi Nagar, Bajanai Koil Street, Chennai-89. We have more than 10 dogs in our street and are regularly barking at passers. People are so scared and are unable to get rid of these dogs from our area. We are also not able to sleep peacefully during night due to barking and fighting of dogs continuously in our streets. We request Chennai Corporation to help us get rid of this dog menace from our area at the earliest.

  • Here we have problem with dogs. We are living in Panneerselvam street, Vijayalakshmipuram, Ambattur OT, Near Aacini school. In front of the school ground, many dogs are joining together and started barking and crying continuously which makes disturbance for all peoples living here. We can't sleep properly in night times also. All dogs are barking and crying all the times mostly in night time. Please take the remedies to catch the dogs as soon as possible.

  • I am staying in Mahindra world city. There are so many dongs in my area nearly 15 dogs. They are making lot of issues by barking and getting scared to return from the office in night times and disturbance kids and olds and not allowing them to sleep. Please understand the situation make it resolve as soon.

  • There is an open ground next and opposite to my house (No.5; 4th cross street, Poombughar Nagar, Kolathur, Chennai). It has became a place of drink alcohol, there are many trees grown and has become a place of mosquito breeding and also people around are throwing garbage and dead rats, cats and dogs. Please clean the place.

  • நான் மணலி அடுத்து சின்ன மாத்தூர் கருமாரி அம்மன் கோவில் தெருவில் வசித்து வருகின்றேன். எங்கள் வீட்டின் அருகில் ஒரு நாய் மிகவும் மோசமான நிலையில் உடம்பில் புழு மற்றும் அதிகமாக துர்நாற்றம் நாயின் மீது வீசுகிறது. எனவே அங்கு வாழும் குழந்தைகள் மற்றும் பெரியவர்களுக்கு நோய்தொற்று வராமல் இருக்க அந்த நாயை அங்கிருந்து அப்புறப்படுத்த மிகவும் தாழ்மையுடன் கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறேன்.

  • எங்கள் தெருவில் அதிக எண்ணிக்கையுள்ள நாய்கள் தொல்லையால் குழந்தைகள் மற்றும் முதியோர் அதிக சிரமத்திற்கு உள்ளாகிறார்கள். இரவு நேரத்தில் இந்த நாய்கள் ஓரிடத்தில் இருக்கும் குப்பைகளை பல இடத்தில் சிதறடிக்கின்றன.எனவே இதற்கு உடனடியாக தீர்வு காணுமாறு தெருமக்கள் சார்பாக கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறோம்.தெரு நாய்கள் வீட்டில் வளர்க படுகின்றன அவைகளும் தெரு நாய்களுடன் சேர்ந்து தொல்லை செய்கின்றது.

    Sathiya Vani Murthi Street,
    Govindaraj Street,
    TP Elumalai Street Gopal Street
    S.V. Nagar Oragadam
    Ambattur, Chennai 53

  • There are many street dogs in front of my house. These dogs are scaring all children in the street and even adults also. Kindly accept my complaint and recover the problem as soon as possible.

    A.Tamil Arasan
    No.7, 3rd street,Udayar garden,

  • There are many stray dogs in our street causing lot of problems. Please take necessary action.

  • I am staying in 1st street, Kamaraj Nagar, Puthagaram, Kolathur,Chennai-99, Landmark is opposite street of Lotus Mahal, There are more than 10-15 dogs in my area. All are barking in night time and daytime. People are afraid of them. Children/ students are afraid to walk on the street, can you please take immediate action.

  • I am living in Palavakkam, Chennai. There are too many stray dogs roaming around in Periyar street and it is interior street. Late night working professionals get scared to return to their homes in midnights. Please do understand the seriousness and take action immediately.

  • There are some 6 street dogs in Loganathan street, Mettu street, Ayanavaram. It is chasing the persons and barking all the time. Children are very scared to come out. Please send some dog catchers and catch them.

  • எங்கள் தெருவில் அதிக எண்ணிக்கையுள்ள நாய்கள் தொல்லையால் குழந்தைகள் மற்றும் முதியோர் அதிக சிரமத்திற்கு உள்ளாகிறார்கள். இரவு நேரத்தில் இந்த நாய்கள் ஓரிடத்தில் இருக்கும் குப்பைகளை பல இடத்தில் சிதறடிக்கின்றன.எனவே இதற்கு உடனடியாக தீர்வு காணுமாறு தெருமக்கள் சார்பாக கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறோம்.

    50-B, 5 வது தெரு,
    ஶ்ரீபாலாஜி நகர்,
    AGS காலணி,
    ஆழ்வார்திரு நகர்,
    சென்னை 60087

  • I am residing at Vysarpadi, Chennai-39. Leaking of sewerage water from the earth out side of the compound wall and overflow of sewerage water from the chamber and surrounded my home and next home creates lot of inconvenience. This water creates mosquito to spread Dengue, Malaria and Typhoid etc. To avoid, please attend immediately.

  • Many stray dogs in Thanigachalam Nagar, 5th Main Road, 2nd cross street, near the corporation office nearly 15 to 20, big nuisance especially for the children. Advise please send the dog van to take them away and sterilize them.

  • There is so much of disturbance from the street dogs (especially small sized dogs that jumps into the house and annoy us everyday in the worst way.) in Kanagam Nehru Street, Near J13 police station. Kindly evict them from this place and help us.

  • I am staying in Aalamaram, back side of Murugan stores. Landmark is near Prof SA Matriculation High School. There are 15-20 dogs in my area. All are barking in night time and daytime. People are afraid of them. Could you please do needful?

  • There are many stray dogs which attack people in my street in front of my house particularly. Can someone respond immediately and clear them? So many children are attacked by these dogs, we are helpless. No one seems to respond in online complaint I had registered

    No. 38/52, Annamalai Nagar, 1st Street
    West Mambalam Chennai 33

  • There are many street dogs in Morai Thirumalai Nagar, Avadi. All are getting fear to walk on the street. Kids are unable to play in the street.

  • Too many street dogs in MKB NAGAR and Sivananda Nagar, we are not able to walk after 9PM to 6AM and always barking at nights so, we can't sleep. Please do the needful earliest.

  • There are around 10 stray dogs in Thirumurugan Street, Krishnamurti Nagar, Madipakkam. Kids and senior citizens scary to move after dark.

  • There is a black color dog in my area Dhanalakshmi Nagar, 14th Street, Madhuravoyal Erikkarai. It needs treatment because some other dog attacked it and it has been seriously injured. Please help the dog.

  • Many Street Dogs about 15 to 20 are there in our Kattabomman Street,Gandhiji Nagar, Chrompet. Children and People are afraid to go in 2 wheeler, Because they are chasing behind and scaring the kids. Kids are unable to go for cycling, walking and playing outside. Request you to kindly catch them and do the needful.

  • Many Street Dogs about 15 to 20 are there in our Vallakottai Murugan Street, Keelkattalai. Children and People are afraid to go in 2 wheelers, Because they are chasing behind and scaring the kids. Kids are unable to go for cycling, walking and playing outside. Request you to kindly catch them and do the needful.

  • There are 20 street dogs in the Mangala Nagar, 9th and 10th street and 1st main road, Anex, Porur. They are chasing and biting peopls. It is braking all the time. Some old age people are suffering a lot. So please kindly send dog catchers to catch dog. I complaint many times, nobody take action. Please help us.

  • So many Street dogs in Alamelumanga Puram, Keelkattalai, Chennai-117 and They are biting people who goes by bike and it is not safe especially for ladies who pick the children from school & drive vehicle in that street. Please catch those dogs immediately.

  • There are so many dogs in Chinnasamy street, Agaram, Perambur-82. They attack cats and people. They killed many cats so, kindly take an action immediately.

  • Too many stray dogs barking at night and chasing two wheelers in Kondal Street, Kondithope, Chennai 600079. Kindly do the needful.

  • Too many stray dogs in Kanniappan Street, Periyar Pathai Choolaimedu. Kindly do the needful.

  • There are around 15 stray dogs in the Zackaria colony main road, Choolaimedu, Chennai-94 which are causing so much disturbance to the kids and senior citizens. Senior citizens are especially feeling paranoid to leave the house because of these dogs which has bitten a few and causing menace. Please do the needful.

  • I am residing at 22/11, Anna street, Arumbakkam. We have 5 to 6 street dogs in our street which is making our travel tough time. It’s even not leaving any shoes (or) bikes at our locality . So I request you to catch these dogs and save us from getting bite. All are diseased.

    • I am from Nehru Street, Kanagam. There are so many solid wastage in our place. Please take immediately action.

  • I am from Amman Nagar, Oragadam, Ambattur, Chennai. In my street, we have a dogs problem. People and kids are very scary and we can't sleep at night, they are disturbing by barking. We requesting please take immediately action.

  • More Number of dogs are there, please take action.

    Address :
    PKS Flats,

  • Here we have a problem with dogs, scaring all the people not only kids and adults also. They are making issues by barking seeing anyone who walks in that street both in the morning and evening which causes diseases. None of the people not having idea how to reach home safely with this scary dogs. Annoyed with this dogs. Everyone who reside are scared of dogs. We people are requesting you to please come forward and let us make dog free street. I am residing at 3rd Street Milk Colony, Madhavaram, Chennai 600051.

  • I am living in Royapuram, Chennai. In my home many street dogs are sitting in steps and giving much trouble to our family. It is a diseased dog. My children are so afraid to cross that dog. Daily they are going to school with big problem. The dog is not going and it is barking all the time. So painful to us. Kindly help us by sending dog catchers to catch the dog.

  • I am residing in MGR Nagar, KK Salai. In our area, number of street dogs are there, totally around 15 to 20, because of that we are very uncomfortable to walk in the street. It keeps running while we drive (or) walk. Today I have seen there was an accident. Some people are afraid of dogs, even school children and elderly persons. Please consider this complaint and do the needful.. Your services to the public was highly appreciated.

  • Dogs are biting people in our area Valasaravakkam, Madurai Meenakshi Nagar. So please catch street dogs by dog catchers. Please do the needful.

  • I am staying in Saradhambal Street Saidapet. Too many stray dogs with skin diseases are found in this street after half of the street. It is trying to bite children also. Everybody is afraid of these stray dogs. One person is giving asylum to these dogs. They are barking loudly irrespective of day (or) night. Please help us to catch these dogs which will count about 12 dogs.

  • I am from IIT colony 3rd Street, Narayanan Puram, Pallikaranai. Here we have a problem with dogs, every night they are barking unnecessarily due to that no one is getting sleep, small kids are crying whole night because of those sounds, please take action as soon as possible.

  • I am staying in Vyasarpadi, Kennady Nagar, 1st Street. In my street, there are many dogs and they are disturbing our area and its biting the kids and senior citizen. Dogs are barking at night, we can’t sleep. So kindly please catch the dogs in our street.

  • I am from United Colony 2nd street, Kolathur, Chennai, too much of stray dogs are furiously attacking in the daytime and also night time. Please take action.

  • I am from Labour colony, Guindy, Chennai. In our outside home, one street dog is always barking and biting my family. We are in very trouble. So, kindly catch that dog.

  • I am in Chromepet Nagappa Nagar, 6th Main Road. There are more than 10 street dogs in our area. They are taking car covers and kids are afraid when they see the dogs. During night they barks a lot and we are unable to sleep. There are more infants and heart patients in our street. Please take action.

  • I am from Madipakkam Kannan Nagar. There are more than 20 street dogs barking day and night, can the city corporation help me to clear this?

  • I am staying in Kodungaiyur. In my street, there are many dogs and they are disturbing our area. Dogs are barking at night, we can't sleep. So kindly please catch the dogs in our street as soon as possible.

  • I am staying in Ambattur. In my street, there are many dogs and they are disturbing our area. Dogs are barking at night, we can't sleep. So kindly please catch the dogs in our street.

  • Today morning a stray dog residing in our street at Luz Avenue 5th Street, Mylapore, Chennai, bite me and chases everyone on bike as well as walkers which is very dangerous so request you to please ward it off our street. Please do the needful asap.


  • I am living in Ambattur. In my street there are so many dogs and giving much trouble by scaring all the people not only kids and adults also. They are making issues by barking seeing anyone who walks at night. Kindly help us by sending dog catchers to catch the dog immediately.. Please help as soon as possible.

  • I am residing in KG Signature City, Maduravayoll Byepass Road Adayalampattu Chennai-95. In the apartments nearly 8 dogs are there. All are aggressive and it is very difficult for childrens to play they are running after it.

  • I live at Kamaraj Nagar Avadi, Chennai 71. We are facing a big problem of stray dogs. They howl all night and don't allow anyone to sleep. Kindly provide us with a solution or please come and get hold of these dogs.

  • There are 10 street dogs in the Chinna Kuzhandai 2nd street, Madumanagar, Perambur. They are chasing and biting peoples. It is braking all the time. Some old age people are suffering a lot. So please kindly send dog catchers to catch dog. I complaint 2 times, nobody take action. Please help us.

  • I live on school road, Adayalampattu, Vanagaram, Chennai 95. There are at the least 20 street dogs on our road that cause a nuisance every night and it's been a long time since we slept peacefully in our neighborhood. Please come and do the needful to help us sleep after a long days work.

  • I am residing at Number 1 Kamaraj street Mark Nagar, New Perungalathur ch-63. In our next street, there
    are about 10 to 15 stray dogs which threaten all of us. I humbly request the corresponding municipal corporation department to consider this request and take immediate action at the earliest. Please send the dog catchers to catch the dog immediately.

  • I am living in Durgai Avenue, 2nd main road, Selavayal, Chennai 600051. For more than 6 months we are into trouble of street dogs. Could you please take proper action against this issue?

  • I am living in West-Saithapet, Ammakannamma street(opp to west-saithapet bus-stand). In my street there are 6 dogs and also have 7 puppies, giving much trouble by scaring all the people not only kids and adults also. They are making issues by barking seeing anyone who walks in that street at night. Kindly help us by sending dog catchers to catch the dog. © 2021 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map