IPH Books Kozhicode Contact Number & Address : iphbooks.com

Organisation : IPH Books
Service Name : Contact Number & Address
Headquarters : Kozhicode
Industry : Online Shopping
Service/ Product :  Books
Website : https://www.iphbooks.com/

IPH Books Contact Number & Address

Call us :
7 Days A Week From 9am-5pm
Email : info[AT]iphbooks.com

Contact us :
IPH Books
LLP 33/16,56 IST OFFICE,

IPH Books Shipping Policy

How much are the delivery charges?
IPH BOOKS Store provides free delivery on all items if your total order amount is Rs. 500/- or more. Otherwise Rs. 49*/- (first 500gm) is charged as delivery charges.

What is the estimated delivery time?

** The estimated time of delivery is mentioned on every page. It may differ from one item to another. Please read below for an explanation of delivery estimates: Mentioned as 3-5 days delivery time: These items will also be mentioned as “In Stock”.

** For all areas serviced by reputed couriers the delivery time will be 3-5 business days. Business days exclude public holidays and Sunday. Mentioned as more than 3 days delivery time, when natural calamities happen or on Public Holiday otherwise you will receive your order within the time specified.

** Preorder or Forthcoming: These items are soon to be released and we pre-book your item for you. The item will be shipped to you after 1 or 2 days of it’s official release launch. The Preorder duration varies from item to item. Once known, release time and date is mentioned. Official Launch Date can Exceeded by the Publisher.

How will the delivery be done?
We process all deliveries through reputed couriers If there is no courier service available in your area, we will get in touch with you and try to work out a convenient alternate delivery location that is serviced by our courier partners. All Books are insured for theft & damages during transit.

What about warranty and hidden costs (sales tax, octroi etc.)?

There are no extra taxes, hidden costs or additional shipping charges. The price mentioned on the website is the final price. What you see is what you pay. Our prices are all inclusive. All taxes are included with the list prices.

Does IPH BOOKS tore delivers internationally?

IPH BOOKS Store can deliver items internationally.

IPH Books Refund and Return Policy

What is the 30 Day Replacement Guarantee? How do I get a defective item, ordered on IPH Book Store, replaced?
** 30 Day Replacement Guarantee All physical products sold on IPH Book Store are covered under our 30 Day Replacement Policy.
** Notify us of any manufacturing defects or product damages at the time of delivery or within 30 days from the date of delivery, and we will issue a brand new replacement to you at no extra cost.
** In order to get a defective item replaced Contact Customer Care, within 30 days from the date of delivery. The defective product or part will be recalled and a replacement will be shipped immediately.
** Please note – Replacement can be for the entire product or part(s) of the product subject to availability of the same with IPH Book Store. Replacement is offered for the products sold by IPH Book Store only.

How do I cancel an order on IPH Book Store? Alternatively, how do I return a product ordered on IPH Book Store?
For outright cancellations by you: If you cancel your order before your product has shipped, we will refund the entire amount.

If the cancellation is after your product has shipped, you can do one of the following:
If your product has shipped but has not yet been delivered, contact Customer Support and inform them of the same. If you received the product, it will be eligible for replacement, only in cases where there are defects found with the product. Please refer to the 30 Day Replacement Guarantee above.

Following shall not be eligible for return or replacement
Damages due to misuse of product; Incidental damage due to malfunctioning of product;

Categories: Books
Tags: iphbooks.com
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